How to Overcome and Prevent Step / Seizures in children

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Step or seizures in children should not we leave it alone, because it can harm the baby's brain cells. Step or convulsions usually experienced by children when her condition was decreased and increased body temperature. Body temperature tolerance of each child is different, but most occurred in the temperature range 38-40 degrees Celsius. If past the tolerance limit then the child will experience seizures or step. 
There are many things that can cause children to experience step are:
  1. Diarrhea
  2. Sore throat
  3. Cold
  4. Vomiting, etc.
Children who experience a step usually experience the following: 
  •  Eyeball looked up frowning 
  •  Both arms and legs become stiff and movement with shock
  • Between the teeth of the upper jaw and lower jaw clenched
  • Sometimes accompanied by vomiting and breath pause
  • If a child can have severe unconsciousness
  • Seizures in children usually only for 5 minutes if more than that already included harm
How to Overcome Step in children
  1. The first thing to note is do not panic, and immediately move the child to a safe place and away from dangerous objects 
  2.  Immediately loosen the child's clothing or loose everything in order not to hamper breathing channel
  3. Furthermore, tilt the child's body because usually the child will vomit or drooling from the mouth making it easier exit
  4. Then compress the child with warm water and try to have a temperature that is almost the same as the temperature of a child, avoid compressing with cold water or even ice water because it would cause collision due to significant differences in temperature and that will certainly harm. 
  Keep your child's mouth is always open for easier breathing and remove vomit. Do not give anything into the child's mouth during a seizure lasted including drugs - drugs.Use relievers step doter suggested. And these drugs are usually given to children through the anus.From the experiences of existing child usually will subside or stop stepnya if have flatulence or urinate or defecate.

Prevention step in children
  1. Immediately give febrifuge jik child begins to feel the fever.
  2. Immediately compress with warm water, do not use cold water or ice water
  3. The most important thing is to keep the child's temperature so as not to exceed the limits of tolerance that is 38-40 degrees Celsius
For a more professional treatment immediately consult a doctor.
Similarly, a little explanation on how to resolve and how to prevent the step or seizures in children. We hope to provide benefits to all readers.

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